Camel Milk Cheshire (aged) Cheese 200 Gms


What makes me different?

Layered flavours, unctuous, with hints of salt, herbaceous,These are now being made and aged for 3, 6 and 8 months.

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Who am I?

The pastoralists of the Thar brings you a uniuqe taste from the Thar of Rajasthan. Bahula products is ethically sourced, responsibly processed and delivered to you 100% pure and unadulterated. Made up of Pure & natural camel milk, culture and plant rennet only.

We think these range of cheese capture the essence of the terroir where the camels belong. Made to be enjoyed on their own or with a glass of wine, these can be paired with a range of accompaniments.

Why go for me?

  • Camel milk products may lower the blood sugar and improve the immune system.
  • Crafted by Artisan of Thar.
  • Controls Diebeties
  • Contains Vitamins and minerals
  • No added emulisfier, sugar, peservatives.
  • Detoxify the body
  • All products are made using clean energy.