Camel Milk Feta Cheese 200 Gms


What makes me different?

“Fresh, white, reminiscent of dairy sweetness, this cheese is incredibly versatile.”

Who am I?

Made up of Pure & natural camel milk, culture and plant rennet only.The fresh cheese, mildly salted is great on salads, with fruits and honey. The cheese can also be marinated in a variety of condiments/ spices and oil. The texture changes over the weeks and the cheese turns salty, crumbly with a creaminess on the palate.

Why go for me?

  • Crafted by Artisan of Thar
  • Maintain blood suger
  • Improve the imune system
  • Controls Diebeties
  • Contains Vitamins and minerals
  • No added emulisfier, sugar, peservatives.
  • Detoxify the body